Version Control
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Version Control is the component that tracks and manages changes to a project. The Version Control feature makes work on a project more efficient and helps to achieve set goals in a shorter time frame. Meanwhile, the process of monitoring and managing the project becomes more productive. The Version Control panel displays the entire revision history of the project. Several team members can work on the project at the same time, review commits from each other’s changes, and merge them.
The IDE has a Version Control tab in the bottom panel. Click on it to open it. This is where the user can commit changes, merge, and create new branches.
To update the data in the Version Control panel, click on the update icon located in the top bar on the left.
The Version Control panel has the following options: commit, merge, update, and switch.
Committing is a saving of a set of preliminary changes that cannot be changed later. During the committing process, the system makes a slice of the state of entity values and becomes available from any future state of the project for all team members.
To commit changes, select “Uncommitted changes, “then click on the “Commit“ button. After clicking, the pop-up opens to commit changes. Enter a comment in the “Commit message“ section and click on the “Commit“ button.
To create a new branch, click on the New Branch button. A window opens where the user needs to enter the name of the branch, then click on the CREATE button.
The branch name should be longer than 1 character and shorter than 32, and can contain letters (Latin a-z A-Z), numbers 0-9, $, or underscores. Beginning from a letter or underscore character.
To create a new tag, click on the plus sign of the tags section, then enter the tag name, and press the Enter key.
After committing the changes, your deployment will be stopped if the project was previously started.
To merge changes, click on the “Merge“ button. After clicking, pop-up opens, which displays all the commits available for merging. Select the desired commit to merge and click on the Merge button.
During the merging process, the system takes the contents of the current branch and compares it with the contents of the target branch that the user selects.
To switch to the required version and continue working on it, click on the Switch button. To switch to another version, you must commit changes if there are uncommitted ones. Otherwise they will be lost.
If you switch to another version while having current uncommitted changes, an info message will be displayed.