SOAP Connector

enables communication with external web services using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

A SOAP connector can only be created using a WSDL file.


  • Name - refers to the unique identifier. (must consist of letters (A-Z or a-z), digits (0-9), underscores (_), or dollar signs ($). However, a class name cannot start with a digit and dollar sign ($))


Base address of the SOAP web service, including the protocol (e.g., HTTP or HTTPS), domain name, and any additional path segments or query parameters necessary to identify the service endpoint.


Provides additional information about the connector itself. This description is often used to document the purpose, functionality, usage instructions, or any other relevant details about the connector.


Facilitates interaction with SOAP APIs.



Serves as a unique identifier for the service and helps distinguish it from other services


Full service URL


Binding name

Refers to a component within a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document that specifies the protocol and data format used for communication between the client and the service.

Port name

Refers to an endpoint within a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document. The port name identifies a specific entry point for accessing a SOAP service.


Refers to the format and content of the data that a client sends to the server when making a request. The request structure typically consists of various properties or components that convey information about the client's intent, the desired operation, and any data associated with the request.


Refers to the format and content of the data that the server sends back to the client in response to a request. The response structure typically consists of various properties or components that convey information about the outcome of the request, the requested resource, and any additional metadata.

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