
Assets in ProcessMIX are specialized constructs that capture and visualize certain types of business logic and information in ways that are easiest to understand and maintain.

While flow is a "jack of all trades" kind of tool in the ProcessMIX's toolbox, assets are specialty tools - you don't need them as often, but when you do, they can save the day—literally! (A day worth of work, that is.)

There are 3 kinds of such assets in ProcessMIX, serving the following purposes:

  • Information entry and lookup—provides an ability to enter and quickly find frequently used data, such as code lists, without a need to call an external database. This capability is provided by the Dictionary asset.

  • Managing large amounts of repeating business logic in a compact and easy to edit manner. This is achieved with a help of the Decision Table asset.

  • Applying advanced predictive analytics and machine learning in order to enhance decision strategies with help of statistical methods and AI. To serve that purpose, ProcessMIX offers Scorecard and PMML (Predictive Modeling Markup Language) assets.

To be able to utilize an asset, you need to do couple things:

  1. First, you need to create the asset itself, configure and populate it with relevant content. At this time, new data structures may also be auto-generated for you, in cases when they are needed for its operation.

  2. Next, you add a corresponding asset Node to your flow and point it to the asset that you want to use. You may also need to set some parameters, to configure how you want to use it in a given flow context.

  3. As a result, when the flow is executed and reaches the asset node, the corresponding asset will be applied, and the result will be placed into a local flow variable with the same name as that of the node. After that, it can be used by all nodes executed later in the same flow.

The subsequent help sections provide more information about each particular asset type:

  • Dictionary

  • Decision Table

  • Scorecard

  • PMML Model

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